Tudor , I am only amazed how much you guys accomplish with so limited
resources. I may not agree with some of the choices but I am very happy
with the progress Pharo is making and glad I stick around.

If the community is not ready for a roadmap , so be it. You will be ready
when you will be ready.I do think however that more the community grows
coordinating effort will become a key issue.

I do agree that things look very encouraging and I trust the community to
move Pharo forward.

Just a side note: what I find cool about Pharo GUI coding is that all tools
are written in Pharo. Its easy to take this for granted but taking a look
at other dynamic programming languages shows that his is a blessing. I have
to confess I did not understand this obsession of implementing everything
in Pharo when I joined coming from python. But now I find this obsession
too infectious to resist :)

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:56 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

> Hi Kilon,
> The situation is like this. For quite a while we did not have enough
> expertise in this community to build serious UI frameworks that can work.
> In the meantime we learnt a lot. GT is not just a couple of windows. It's
> an experiment of building something that does not exist anywhere else, and
> we learnt a lot from doing it. For example, to make Spotter both responsive
> and robust, the most difficult part was to learn to build the machinery
> behind, but now we are passed that initial step. At the same time, Alain
> put a ton of effort in Bloc. Athens was exercised both as the engine behind
> Block and from the Roassal team. And there are others like Sean, Nicolai
> and Ben who work around the same areas.
> This are all seemingly parallel and uncoordinated efforts, but they are
> converging. It is exactly because we are committed to the long term goal of
> building a real and better alternative to Morphic that we choose to not
> stop half way with Brick which is probably enough for GT purposes and
> choose instead to invest in evaluating Bloc.
> Yes, we do not have the replacement now, but we have never had so much
> investment and will around the UI as we have now. We do not know at this
> point what is the better way, we do not know the exact roadmap because it
> is more than just a matter of implementation. But, I know that the kinds of
> results we had recently around the UI is a highly encouraging predictor.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 5:19 PM, kilon alios <kilon.al...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> "
>> if you read my mail, you will notice that I said BOTH are on the table
>> (and we are actually moving oon both):
>> - Bloc is the redesign
>> - In the mean time we WORK and ENCOURAGE others to work on improve it."
>> Last time I asked about Bloc , I was told not to use it and instead stick
>> with Spec or Morphic.
>> I said it before and will say it again, you guys need to sit down and
>> make a roadmap for Pharo because I am reading a lot of conflicting posts in
>> this mailing list and this is does not give the professional look Pharo
>> wants to show to people outside Pharo. As a user "replace in the long run"
>> is not enough ! The original author of Bloc , Alain, also said that he is
>> pretty much the only one that works on Bloc (with some help from Stef) and
>> if people dont start helping him out he is going to give up.
>> How many more threads should we have about the GUI future of Pharo before
>> people really get the message that we need a roadmap ?
>> Additionally , Pharo needs a roadmap , seriously it does.
>> "but Morphic it self has several fundamental flaws that cannot be fixed
>> and that’s why in the long, very long way, needs to be replaced.  "
>> What flaws , where , when , how , why ? So much discussion that Morphic
>> must go , close to zero discussion what the actual problems are.
>> "First, Athens is not a replace for Morphic, is a replace for the canvas
>> in which morphs are drawn. So is not Morphic or Athens… is "Morph using
>> DisplayPlugin" or "Morphic using Athens".
>> Second I did not say Athens is to replace Morphic . From my understanding
>> Bloc is based on Athens and Bloc is to replace Morphic. Correct me If I am
>> wrong.
>> "Glamour is very mature and I’ve used it serval times… and in theory
>> Brick will be compatible with Glamour (mostly) so even if developers
>> deprecate one for the other you will be able to use your code (mostly). "
>> Brick is called non usable by its own authors. Glamour is framework of
>> building browsers and simplified GUIs , its nowhere near as powerful as
>> Morphic and is based on Morphic. From the looks of its is not even as
>> powerful as Spec. Through the couple years I have been around I have seen
>> at best a couple of question on how to make it work compared to hundreds of
>> questions about Spec and Morphic . How something can be matured if it is
>> not heavily used ?
>> "But anyway, how can Athens be so slow? Why? Can you share some info? "
>> You ask me to tell you why Athens is slow when we have this discussion
>> before ( a few months ago) and you told me that Athens is slow because of
>> how Pharo handles rendering and that as soon as we move to SDL things will
>> be 10 times faster.
>> All I have to do is VGTiger runDemo and my 3Ghz Quad Cores beg me for
>> mercy at 50% consumption. Calling it slow , is an understatement.
>> Other much simpler example are very slow too like the sliding logo
>> example at many more.
>> Of course this problem affects Morphic too so personally I am examining
>> the possibility that no pharo library will satisfy me and instead I will
>> make my own GUI API on top of QT or HTML. Obviously more work for me,
>> obviously a scenario that I want to avoid, but if the alternative is an app
>> that consumes 50% cpu then I dont have much of a choice. Maybe I could take
>> a look at Mars too.
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "Every thing has its own flow"

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