if you read my mail, you will notice that I said BOTH are on the table (and
we are actually moving oon both):
- Bloc is the redesign
- In the mean time we WORK and ENCOURAGE others to work on improve it."

Last time I asked about Bloc , I was told not to use it and instead stick
with Spec or Morphic.

I said it before and will say it again, you guys need to sit down and make
a roadmap for Pharo because I am reading a lot of conflicting posts in this
mailing list and this is does not give the professional look Pharo wants to
show to people outside Pharo. As a user "replace in the long run" is not
enough ! The original author of Bloc , Alain, also said that he is pretty
much the only one that works on Bloc (with some help from Stef) and if
people dont start helping him out he is going to give up.

How many more threads should we have about the GUI future of Pharo before
people really get the message that we need a roadmap ?

Additionally , Pharo needs a roadmap , seriously it does.

"but Morphic it self has several fundamental flaws that cannot be fixed and
that’s why in the long, very long way, needs to be replaced.  "

What flaws , where , when , how , why ? So much discussion that Morphic
must go , close to zero discussion what the actual problems are.

"First, Athens is not a replace for Morphic, is a replace for the canvas in
which morphs are drawn. So is not Morphic or Athens… is "Morph using
DisplayPlugin" or "Morphic using Athens".

Second I did not say Athens is to replace Morphic . From my understanding
Bloc is based on Athens and Bloc is to replace Morphic. Correct me If I am

"Glamour is very mature and I’ve used it serval times… and in theory Brick
will be compatible with Glamour (mostly) so even if developers deprecate
one for the other you will be able to use your code (mostly). "

Brick is called non usable by its own authors. Glamour is framework of
building browsers and simplified GUIs , its nowhere near as powerful as
Morphic and is based on Morphic. From the looks of its is not even as
powerful as Spec. Through the couple years I have been around I have seen
at best a couple of question on how to make it work compared to hundreds of
questions about Spec and Morphic . How something can be matured if it is
not heavily used ?

"But anyway, how can Athens be so slow? Why? Can you share some info? "

You ask me to tell you why Athens is slow when we have this discussion
before ( a few months ago) and you told me that Athens is slow because of
how Pharo handles rendering and that as soon as we move to SDL things will
be 10 times faster.

All I have to do is VGTiger runDemo and my 3Ghz Quad Cores beg me for mercy
at 50% consumption. Calling it slow , is an understatement.

Other much simpler example are very slow too like the sliding logo example
at many more.

Of course this problem affects Morphic too so personally I am examining the
possibility that no pharo library will satisfy me and instead I will make
my own GUI API on top of QT or HTML. Obviously more work for me, obviously
a scenario that I want to avoid, but if the alternative is an app that
consumes 50% cpu then I dont have much of a choice. Maybe I could take a
look at Mars too.

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