Ciao Esteban,

> Hi, Dario, 
> I do not understand quite well your problem… you should not have a problem 
> installing GitFileTree in Pharo5, no matter the replacement of NativeBoost. 
> Athens also works fine with UFFI (since is part of Pharo, it has to work on 
> all versions). 
> You *do not need* to download cairo bindings, they are already there. 
> So… if Athens is not working (and you can check that executing "VGTigerDemo 
> runDemo” ,

The VGTigerDemo runDemo report:

AthensCairoSurface class>>primImage:width:height:
AthensCairoSurface class>>extent:format:
AthensCairoSurface class>>extent:
VGTigerDemo class(Behavior)>>new
VGTigerDemo class>>runDemo

>  then you have another kind of problem. 

        What do you mean about :         another kind of problem.

        How can I investigate about that?

        Download again the image and see what happens?


P.S. What do you think about my email with same object dated:           29 
novembre 2016 11:55:02 GMT+01:00

        It may be source of problems?

> cheers, 
> Esteban
>> On 5 Dec 2016, at 17:34, Trussardi Dario Romano <> 
>> wrote:
>> Ciao,
>>> Pharo is unable to access a library it needs; this is the native boost 
>>> plugin which is normally bundled with it (and the cairo lib?)...
>>> Guys, anybody with a mac around there?
>>> Thierry
>>      thanks Dimitris.
>>> Nativeboost has been removed and been replaced by UFFI, all libraries that 
>>> used Nativeboost are now using UFFI including the Cairo backend library for 
>>> Athens.
>>      OK,             but what i need to do for load UFFI Cairo library
>>      and for load  the UFFI  library  required by    GitFileTree Pharo 
>> support?
>>      I wrong to install Pharo 5.0 on my MacBookPro with OS X  10.7.5. ?
>>      If right remember i install Pharo 5.0 from       
>>   link
>>      Thanks.
>>      Dario

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