Its simple really.  Just do this any time you do not have actual first hand 
experience that tells you the 
correct answer.

Lets assume we are still talking about the post office.

Ask any given postal employee your question and then probe a little further to 
insure that they actually 
think about the answer they give you.  After receiving answer thank them and 
leave.  Return later and 
go to a different postal worker that is not aware of your previous visit.  Ask 
same question.  Compare 
answers.  If they are the same then they pass the symmetry test and have a high 
probability of being 
correct.  If there is any variation then the symmetry test has failed and more 
questions require asking.  
With the post office the "show me in the manual" works very well.

On Wed, 27 Dec 2006 21:05:59 -0500, Steven Medved wrote:

>Rich, I wish the PO had people as knowledgeable as you.
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