Do you feel this should holdup the new doc style?  As far as I see
there are three remaining items:

(a) See Also format

Everyone agrees that clean markup is better than manually entering commas and and's (or entities) but how or when will this be
implemented? It would be nice to have this done before moving to
the new style, I can't tell if this is what you mean.


I must admit I have not checked the simplelist output with the current stylesheets (DSSSL and XSLT), and I have not heard anybody doing so. First it needs to be tested, and then the relevant code needs to go in. If someone provides me with proper testfiles, I am willing to look into the issue in DSSSL and XSLT. Maybe I can even solve that :)

(b) Parameter listing information

 The parameter listing lives within a variable list, and information
 such as reference, type, and optional all live within the
 methodsynopsis.  The idea is to have the parser extract the
 information from methodsynopsis and insert said information into
 the variable listing.  The structure (afaict) is already in place
 so this may not be a holdup.  I don't think we need to worry about
 dsssl/xslt for this, only livedocs, and worry about that later.
 Just so we agree that the current new doc format will do.


1. It needs to be docbook conformant. 2. It needs to be good to be used as a reference for the parameter listing.

I have not seen a proposal which fits with both criteria, or I have seriosly overlooked something.

(c) Constants on own page

Not a big deal, everyone agreed on this.



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