As far as the server situation, I am way out of the loop on that but
AFAICT one group started and for various reasons failed so it's time to move on to the next. In other words, use Jacques server. This is
the same for a PHP mirror, once it's moved to another server that's

+1 ..

I'm really sorry for all this wasted time. The problem is that the
situation was totaly out of my reach after I left nexen because of a
huge conflict. I didn't want to give up waiting to "offer" (it was a
gift from nexen and poz company btw) this server to the doc project.
I should have speaked before, but the decision involved some personal
decisions too (it's all in my head). In the same time, I've been 12/7
busy writing a project for my new employer. Didn't have the time to
realize the big need for the decision as well as I didn't have the time to follow and answer the threads about PECL, livedocs, see also, etc..
You may have noticed that lately I've been taking care of smarty, xslt,
dom, bc, imap. That's the tools I used for the project, and I only had
the time to commit some fixes and additions to the documentation I was
reading all day.

I'd like to thank Guillaume for all the time he managed to find to help
with the situation, I know the lot of real daily work he have.

I'll get back Vincent (poz) disks and will send them to him or Jacques
if he need them for the server. The server will be hosting a lot of huge
checkouts and performing a lot of filesystem calls once the site is
running officially and Vincent disks are sweeted for this usage.
Jacques ? :)

The other decision we should take ASAP is to merge our efforts in CVS,
even if we have to host them unoficially (means without the and
with all our faith) forever :)

Dave's scripts can be hacked to fit to pear, gtk, smarty docs too (entities, sources vs documented stuff, missing examples in function
references). This is exactly what the sources in the docweb repository
are designed for.

Why not also having a general wiki and one per sub-project ? The editing
privilege is only granted to members and I'm sure we can manage
to have automatic commits to doc-web@ when someone edit something.
This can totally replace a need for CVS updated texts on the site. The main entry point is the wiki hacked to have the menu bar too and that's
it !

Jacques and Nuno should join their effort to make _one_ generic (per project) patch system that will be hosting the discussed patches for
livedocs, as well as the other projects.

What else did I miss ?

Pepr. Pepr is sweet, but I'm not sure we should depend on it. He seemed
buggy on Allowe site (I'll send reports later), we are obliged to
maintain the updates from pearweb by hand, he needs PEAR, and Philip's
RFC looks quiet good in the wiki. If we hack the wiki to have emails
sent to the doc, it will sweet what we need: a voting system.

I'd like to hear from all of you guys on this merge proposal. I'm sure I
have missed a lot of points.

Gabor, thank you a *lot* for your patience and help getting the thing
moving. Keep up, we'll have it online ;)

I'll be releasing my work project next week and will have a "normal"
phpdoc guy life again soon ;)


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