As far as the stuff goes, this all came about through the
active #phpdoc channel on freenode.  Many of us work together on various
tasks so various people created tools.  I see it as a testing ground
for docweb but the docweb situation is unknown right now so until it's
figured out we keep on working offsite.  Again, to be clear, IMHO all
the stuff listed is meant to go in docweb one day.  It's much easier
and comfortable to get a prototype going "at home" then start from 
scratch on some public server, especially when that server barely even
exists.  Is docweb ready for all of this? If so, it would be nice if 
Sean, Dave, and Curt joined that project.

The wiki is nice, it's a place for us to collaborate on ideas and work
on proposals until said proposals are actually proposed.  This is
especially true for the DocSkel.  Pepr is not ready and we just needed
a place to write stuff.  So yes, we're impatient.  It also works well
for us to remember URLS and information, and has also been used to 
test how well a wiki would work for various tasks.  Like the HOWTO.

As far as livedocs goes, I assume a patch system will exist on docweb.

As far as the server situation, I am way out of the loop on that but
AFAICT one group started and for various reasons failed so it's time 
to move on to the next.  In other words, use Jacques server.  This is
the same for a PHP mirror, once it's moved to another server that's


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