| You seem to suggest two things in your mail:
|  - the scripts on phpdoc.info were not supposed to be publicly announced
|  - the scripts on phpdoc.info are not supposed to be open source

If you append "yet" to each of these bullets, it becomes truth.


Seems the dust is settling, and efforts will not be wasted. I'll try to
~  get some work done on docweb. (Do all phpdoc folk have karma? I
forget. If not, may I please have some? (-: )

Granted. I am to ask for docweb Karma. I have not rejected a single Karma request so far :)

| If you don't help making docweb a reality, but rather just wait for it
| to become cool stuff, it will never become one.

It's very difficult for me to justify the time to maintain stuff if
there's nowhere to deploy it, as I've said above. Again, I understand
where you're coming from, and agree, we should all pitch in.

I see it differently. You can do a docweb checkout and start to integrate your stuff into it. Even if you don't commit your tools, you work with the codebase already. And you have a place to deploy your scripts (your own server). That means you are forward compatible, and work with the stuff already done. You can cooperate with the docweb project without an official server. Look how many guys done this with livedocs, although there is/was no official livedocs setup.

| Livedocs cvs was not a central repository for patches, but for livedocs
| itself. I have not seen any committed patch files (only applied ones).

Patches would be unnecessary if we didn't have to go through the 3
people with karma. But I digress, the patch queues seem to be on the way
to consolidation, and this won't be a problem in the near future.

Those who have created patches mostly got reviews from the developers and a lot of good patches got commited. Those who tried mostly succeeded.

Anyway, I know you meant no harm, and neither did I. I suspect we'll be
able to move forward at a much greater speed once the server is in
place, we'll just need to get past the mental block of practicality in
the meantime.

I suggest you don't wait for the server being place, and start to adopt the code to the site if desired (or adopt the site to your code). Since there is not much in docweb yet, it can be either way. As I have said, I don't care about the final web address or if we use subdomains or subfolders to hold project and language specific stuff, so feel free to start discussions on stuff which you are not comfortable with :) Finally those who implement will define the rules :)

If the systems team does not agree on us suggesting an outside machine to stick to doc.php.net, then we can use an arbitrary (short :) web address (even phpdoc.info or some other name). The point is not the name, or how php.net-ish it will be, but to have a stable place. We only loose the MAGIC_COOKIE and some other stuff by not being under php.net, but if this is the price to pay for leaning forward quickly, then so be it.

(nice to see you on #phpdoc (-; )

Not that I will be a resident there. Mostly I don't have the time.


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