On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, John Meissen wrote:

> You say 'netstat -r' has TWO pairs of entries. So you're not disabling the
> ethernet port? What's the full output of 'netstat -r'?

   No, because there's no connection on eth0.

> Most likely the ethernet port is being used as the prefered route, and so
> nothing that's not specifically on the wlan network is going out.

   Without an ethernet cable attached? Are you suggesting that I'm getting a gateway from the wireless network via the eth0 interface with no
cable connecting the two? I don't understand.

> Seriously, you're making life way more difficult by trying to use hard-coded
> addresses with interfaces.

   Really? Let me repeat: on no portable I've had has the wireless interface
be configured to use anything other than DHCP. The wired interface, eth0, is
used ONLY here in the office and we run static IP addresses on the LAN.
Again, there is no cable attached to the ethernet port so I have difficulty
understanding how any static IP address on that port, or gateways assigned
to it, could affect connections via the wlan0 interface.

> Then interfaces and routing will "just work", no matter where you are.

   Feh! Not true.

> For instance, what happens if you take your laptop someplace where you
> need to jack into a wired network?

   Networking works. This is the situation in the hotel where I stay in Reno.
I plug in their cable to the port in my Dell, run 'dhcpcd eth0' and
... get a local IP address, a re-written /etc/resolv.conf with their
nameservers, and local gateways in the kernel routing table. When I return
to the office I copy /etc/resolv.conf.office to /etc/resolv.conf and I'm
once again connected to my LAN.

   I've used static IP addresses here since 1997 with a bunch of different
desktop machines and 7 different portables (3 Toshibas, 1 ThinkPad, 2 Sony
Vaios, and the Dell Latitude). It is only the new Sony Vaio that has
wireless issues everywhere. Each of the other 6 portables connected
wirelessly everywhere.

   I'm happy you use DHCP, but it's not a universal requirement nor even
necessary in my experience.


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