Not long ago, Von Fugal proclaimed...
> He's just trying to say that Bush _is_ like Hitler. And he's entitled to
> that opinion. Personally, I think Bush is worse than Hitler, or at least
> more sinister. At least everyone _knew_ that Hitler hated Jews. Everyone
> _knew_ he was trying to take over the world. Bush is a little more on
> the down low, with a little sleight of hand he appears to be chasing
> terrorists instead of occupying countries. Oh, and he doesn't hate Jews,
> instead he hates Muslims.

Uh... I don't know where you're getting any of this. George W. Bush doesn't
hate Muslims (except the ones that attacked us on 9/11/01). You can
disagree with him on his policies (and there's plenty there to disagree
with), but I have a hard time finding much "evil" in him. Like most U.S.
presidents, he genuinely loves the country and tries to do what is right. I
don't understand why he appears to be in bed with Mexico (see Compean &
Ramos) or why he agreed to send out stimulus checks when the govt clearly
can't afford it... but I do not buy into this conspiracy theory that he has
some evil -- or sinister -- agenda. Maybe I'm just more of a realist in
that regard. Maybe it's because I know people who know the guy.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is Doran L. "Fozz" Barton
 "No trespassing without permission."
    -- On the grounds of a private school

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