On AD 2008 June 13 Friday 10:22:58 AM -0600, Kyle Waters wrote:
> If you look at the bottom graph and if you define conservative as the upper 
> right quadrant on that graph(which would be a neo-conservative)  Then Bush 
> is the most extreme of any current leader.  I consider both parties 
> neo-conservative.  Nader is Liberal.  The green party is Liberal. The 
> libertarian party and constitutional parties are libertarian(on a federal 
> level anyways).  None of them are "moderate" but that's all relative.

If you think historically in addition to currently, where would Hitler
or Stalin be?  How far in would they scale the rest of the graph.  Bush
may be extreme, and has enacted an ignominious government, but he's not
as bad as either of them.  I'm no Bush patriot (do those sort of people
even exist anymore?) but not only is it relative, it's also arbitrary.


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