Thus said "Merrill Oveson" on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:01:16 MDT:

> What's Ron Paul?

We know for certain he's an Austrian (economics). If you think you might
be Austrian too: (this quiz is not for the faint of heart).

He also appears to have much  in common with libertarians and indeed ran
for  president  as  a  Libertarian  in 1988.  But  he  also  appeals  to
constitutionalists  because  he has  always  attempted  to abide  by  it
in  political decisions;  he  uses  the constitution  as  a measure  for
determining when to vote for bills for example. His theory is that if we
have a constitution then the government should stick to it.

At least this  is what I believe him  to be. Where do you  think he fitz

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