On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Kyle Waters <u...@unum5.org> wrote:

> As I understand it the recruiter only gets his payment after you have
> been there a certain amount of time.

This depends on a number of factors (internal vs. external recruiters,
contract vs. contingency vs. retained external recruiting, blah blah)
, but, yes, most external recruiters do have a guarantee of sorts if
the placement doesn't work out for various factors, and recruiting is,
by definition a kindof pay-for-play industry any way you slice it.

>So if you make it clear to the
> recruiter you won't stay if you are unhappy it becomes in his best
> interest to place you somewhere where you will stay.

Yes, *PLEASE* be up-front to your recruiter if you don't feel right
about the opportunity. At the same time, I know I am splitting hairs
here, but remember that YOU "place" yourself in the next gig, the
recruiter just facilitates.  You're the one who has to drive there and
home everyday.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Jim Wright<jwri...@perelson.com> wrote:
>  What I try to do is find a nice
> match where the Client is happy, and the Engineer is happy.

Good point, Jim.  This, of course, is the barest way to explain the
business model of recruiting, or any brokerage.

To wax a tad philosophical, I know many people (myself included) feel
or have felt that someone "making money off them" is ugly and feels
dirty.  Sure, you don't HAVE to use a recruiter to find your next gig,
but remember, that the MONEY being transacted in recruiting (in fees
AND in salary+benefits) is to smooth and speed the "Double Coincidence
of Wants" problem inherent on both sides... especially one as personal
and emotional and important as a person's career move.

The coincidence of wants problem (often "double coincidence of wants")
is an important category of transaction costs that impose severe
limitations on economies lacking money and thus dominated by barter or
other in-kind transactions. The problem is caused by the improbability
of the wants, needs or events that cause or motivate a transaction
occurring at the same time and the same place.

In the end, without recruiting (in general, as an industry, or as a
concept) I believe it would be incredibly more difficult for each of
us, regardless of our careers/skills/educations to transition to new
opportunities with nearly the kind of ease that our Post-Cluetrain
world has afforded us.

Oh, and by the way, if you don't think whoever is signing your check
isn't making more money off you than they're paying you, its time to
rethink the whole "making money off me" phobia :)

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Gabriel Gunderson<g...@gundy.org> wrote:
>> Just my 2 Cents.
> You should change this, just for today to:
> Just my 20 perCent.  :)

Funny, Gabe. :)

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