Well stated.

To rephrase in economicese "An individual will only enter into an exchange
if that individual will be better off as a result of the exchange regardless
of the how much better off the other party will be."

My employer may bill me at $100 an hour.  Suppose I make $20 an hour.
Subtracting out his costs of doing business - minus my cost, he may make $50
profit for every hour I work.
Now I have two choices.  I can either stop working for my employer, or keep
working for my employer.
If I continue to work, (make the exchange of my time/effort for money), then
I must feel that I better off earning the $20/hr - regardless of how much
better off my employer may be.

I might not like it, think it's unfair, etc.  But, I'm still better off.

On a personal note:
What I'd really like to do is get really rich.  Then I could buy my freedom
and do what I wanted.
Instead I'm a slave, only thing I get to choose is who I work for and what
work I do.

Someone like, Paris Hilton did it right.  She managed to be born to very
wealthy parents.
In her case the biblical verse, "by the sweat of thy brow shalt thou earn
thy daily bread" does not apply.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Derek Davis <derek.da...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Alex Esplin<alex.esp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Even in a straight across trade, from my point of view I have to be
> > better off than the person I'm trading with, or there is no incentive
> No, I think you only need to be better off than you were before the
> trade. How you are compared to the other person after the trade is
> less relevant.
> /me creeps back into the shadows after popping out to make this less
> than helpful comment.
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