nickb wrote: 
> Sounds perfect - ignore MQTT for now, I'd go for SSL with your existing
> certificate, and get stunnel working - it's old but rock-solid and very
> lightweight.
> The diagnostics ( and FAQ should provide quite a lot of
> help with this route, just make sure your networking makes sense
> internally (LAN-side) and externall (WAN) side, but sounds like you have
> most of that working for the cert anyway.

thank you for your answer.
For now my concern is to find out how to treat the incoming traffic from
amazon. If my understanding is right, it's not http traffic so i can't
use synology reverse proxy.
(I have several servers like jeedom which i can join on for example ). Probably i need  to open another port
and cannot proxify this service.

LMS 7.9.1 on a debian jessie vm (esxi 5.5)
1xboom, 1x sq3, 2x sonos play1, foobar 2000, zettaly 
spotify family
plugins: spotty, upnpbridge, airplay bridge, shairtunes2W, youtube,
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