Thanks for your reply.

Have managed to screw up my LMS, no audio even though the web GUI +
iPeng app both show that tracks are playing; unable to pause tracks,
clicking pause just makes the track go back to the beginning and start
playing again.

So... deleted persist.db and am now in the rather long process of
restoring it from a TrackStat backup file which I hope will fix the
above issues.

The sequence of actions that got me to this unfortunate state were:
- after your helpful link to 'this thread'
  which confirmed that the data I was looking to amend was contained
  with the SQLite database called *persist.db*, I thought, great, I just
  need to get an application that can browse and amend databases on
- which was possible by grabbing a copy of 'DB Browser for SQLite'
  (, which has versions for most
- Unfortunately, navigating to the requsitite location on my NAS
  (/data/.apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/cache/), I was unable to
  open *persist.db* using DB Browser. I also noticed that there were two
  other files with similar names *persist.db-shm* and *persist.db-wal*,
  from researching, these were temp files and when I stopped the LMS
  app, they disappeared and only reappeared when the LMS server was
- As I was unable to access the db in its location, I copied it to my
  desktop where I was able to open it up with DB Browser, open up the
  table *track_statistics*, search and locate the specific rows for all
  the tracks on this one specific release, amend the playCOUNT value to
  what it was previously before I changed the filenames, saved and
  closed the database.
- I then copied this file back to the location in NAS overwriting the
  *persist.db* there.
- started the LMS and... no audio...
- so I deleted *persist.db* and restored from the TrackStat backup
  file... that has now completed but LMS is still broken. What have I
  done? :(
- server.log shows   
           frame 45: main::main 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/ line 1213)
    [20-07-10 11:41:07.5025] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) 
Error: Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached 
failed: no such table: tracks_persistent [for Statement "SELECT, 
me.urlmd5, me.url, me.musicbrainz_id, me.added, me.playcount, me.lastplayed, 
me.rating FROM tracks_persistent me WHERE ( urlmd5 = ? )"] at 
/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Schema/ line 126
    [20-07-10 11:41:07.5052] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122) 
    frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Schema/ line 122)
    frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception 
line 598)
    frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::dbh_do 
line 1297)
    frame 3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_execute 
line 1532)
    frame 4: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_select 
line 2031)
    frame 5: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/lib/DBIx/Class/ line 
    frame 6: DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Schema/ line 562)
    frame 7: Slim::Schema::Track::retrievePersistent 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 634)
    frame 8: Slim::Player::Song::open 
 line 1221)
    frame 9: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream 
 line 288)
    frame 10: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction 
 line 739)
    frame 11: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_nextTrackReady 
 line 693)
    frame 12: Slim::Player::StreamingController::__ANON__ 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 337)
    frame 13: Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong 
 line 698)
    frame 14: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_getNextTrack 
 line 953)
    frame 15: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_StopGetNext 
 line 288)
    frame 16: Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction 
 line 2103)
    frame 17: Slim::Player::StreamingController::play 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 18: Slim::Control::Commands::playlistJumpCommand 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 19: (eval) 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 20: Slim::Control::Request::execute 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 880)
    frame 21: Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Player/ line 634)
    frame 22: Slim::Player::Client::execute 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 23: Slim::Control::Commands::playlistXtracksCommand 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 24: (eval) 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 25: Slim::Control::Request::execute 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 880)
    frame 26: Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 27: Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 28: (eval) 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 
    frame 29: Slim::Control::Request::execute 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Web/ line 871)
    frame 30: Slim::Web::Cometd::handleRequest 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Web/ line 534)
    frame 31: Slim::Web::Cometd::handler 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Web/ line 113)
    frame 32: Slim::Web::Cometd::webHandler 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Web/ line 465)
    frame 33: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP 
line 123)
    frame 34: (eval) 
line 119)
    frame 35: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ 
line 168)
    frame 36: (eval) 
line 168)
    frame 37: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::loop 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/ line 727)
    frame 38: main::idle 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/ line 677)
    frame 39: main::main 
(/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/ line 1213)
    [20-07-10 11:41:07.5205] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1888) Error: 
While trying to run function coderef 
[Slim::Control::Commands::playlistJumpCommand]: [Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): 
Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: 
no such table: tracks_persistent [for Statement "SELECT, me.urlmd5, 
me.url, me.musicbrainz_id, me.added, me.playcount, me.lastplayed, me.rating 
FROM tracks_persistent me WHERE ( urlmd5 = ? )"] at 
/apps/nastools-logitechmediaserver/slimserver/Slim/Schema/ line 126
    [20-07-10 11:48:29.0631] Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin::findUpdates 
(318) no action required

I don't understand that by amending a row in a table in persist.db, I
have broken it, unless you can't amend rows because they refer to other
bits of LMS?
Will I have to reinstall LMS?

Any help, most gratefully received.

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