SangSomBucket wrote: 
> I am now back to where I was but I am still keen to find out why my
> amendment to the playCount values for the tracks on a single release
> seemed to bork my entire LMS operation since that seemed to be the
> easiest and quickest way restoring playCount values for tracks where I
> have had to amend the filename and / or filepath.
I'm confident that modifying the database works, as I've done this
myself (for ratings)
The error message you posted indicates that the table tracks_persistent
was missing from the DB, which is fatal, as this is the one LMS uses
(track_history and track_statistics are for TrackStat)

> In addition, this version of LMS installs to a different location that
> the previous one and whilst I can see the files when I SSH into the NAS
> as root, I can't seem to do that using my file manager (Finder), which
> would be quicker and more useful ultimately for me.
You should generally be careful to keep the original owner and
permissions of the persist.db database file (which may be lost / changed
when you transfer the file, you'd have to fix this as a last step on the
NAS directly, unless your transfer SW can to this)
A failure to do so will definitely lead to problems.

> Lastly, whilst not -that- important, I lost all the track_history data
> that was in *persist.db*. That data is still preserved in the copy of
> *persist.db* that I have on my desktop, so if it was easy enough to do
> and wouldn't bork my currently working LMS, would it be possible to
> import that table into the live version of *persist.db* on my NAS?

You'd need to export the data from the copy and import it into the
current one (deleting the data in the table before doing so). Most DB
editors should be able to do this (including the CLI sqlite3 client).
Just be careful to limit any operation to this specific table
Obviously, make sure you have a backup of both library.db and persist.db
(or just backup LMS's cache directory)

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