philippe_44 wrote: 
> As a bridge, I have no idea why the volume is set to 0 or not, so I have
> to forward it. Remember it happens *before* the request to pause is
> received, so I don’t know why volume is being changed. User request or
> pausing???
Ah ha. That makes sense now! Thanks for explaining. 

philippe_44 wrote: 
> When you say the volume does not come back, what do you have in the UI?
> 43% or 3%?
It showed the 3% if I remember right. That is, it started at 3, I turned
it up, paused it, it dropped to 3% on the device and in the UI and never
returned after playing again.

philippe_44 wrote: 
> The culprit seems to be volume feedback.

That fits perfectly with what I have seen, some sort of echo feedback
loop. It probably kept trying to set it to 0%, seeing it bumped up to
3%, and then assumed that 3% was the correct value that I set manually,
so it never saw a need to return to 43%. Even times when the volume
seems to jump around and needs to be reset several times before
stabilizing, it seems like LMS is constantly trying to catch up with
what the device is doing while making things worse by also adjusting the
device at the same time, causing it to have to catch up again.

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I believe it’s a bug in the CC device but I’ve added a version with yet
> another parameter to disable feedback
The fact that it is not going to 0 might be a bug, but I have definitely
seen this weight feedback loop behavior on multiple devices from
multiple manufacturers (Nvidia, Google, and JVC). I just updated and
will try disabling the feedback to LMS. I can definitely live without
that function, and that sounds like it might solve the issue. Thanks a

I am still seeing an odd bug occasionally where it starts playing again
after pausing it or even pausing it after playing. I am having a had
time reproducing it, but I think I caught it here once:
32870. Might this be the same issue? Is it possible
that LMS is seeing the "playing" or "paused" status with a slight delay
and then playing or pausing when it shouldn't?

|Filename: log2.txt                                                 |

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