epoch1970;354108 Wrote: 
> Playing with the plugin I realized the message announcing the imminent
> reboot/shutdown/suspend is displayed on every player, which is really
> great I think.
> How about allowing to cancel a running action from any player ? Or
> notifying the user who launched the action that someone tries to fight
> against it, and offer him to grant the cancel request, or continue with
> the action ?
> Just an idea.

I've thought about that.  But how likely is it, really, that another SB
listener would a). notice the display, b). find their remote and c).
cancel the action...all within that 15 second cancel window?  If they
have reflexes that fast, they're probably already playing a video game
anyway, rather than listening to music.

How's that as a rationalization for not implementing a feature?

Bottom line: I might be too lazy to add that feature anytime soon.  I
haven't tested this yet, but it may already work that way with the SBC.
But implementing that with the IR remote will require real thought and

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