I'm probably doing something stupid, or misunderstanding something. If
so, I need advice. If it's not my issue, then there's a bug.

Running Squeezebox Server 7.4.1, Mac OS 10.6.1. I have installed
SvrPowerControl 20091020, and stopped and restarted the server. 

SvrPowerControl shows up, and when I go to the settings page the four
Custom Commands show up (thanks for that). I enter a label, and a path
to a file. I click Apply, and get told "changes have been saved".

However the new page shows the Custom Command item as empty, whereas I
would expect it would show the item I have just entered. Also, if I
click on an item that shows menu entries, the new item is not listed,
which I think it should be.

A couple of possibilities occur to me. First, that though everything
has been saved ok, I need to restart the server to show it. But this
sin't the usual behaviour qith a change of settings.

Second, that the command I have set is a shell script that works ok
when double-clicked, but does not have the extension .sh

Let me know what should be going on.

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