>1). Move all the "optional action to take while not idle" support out
>of SrvrPowerCtrl and into a beefed up mac+linux+windows friendly
>PreventStandby plugin.

>2). Make the "xxxx to mysqueezebox.com" more generic so that one could
>pick other alternate servers (i.e. a TinySC) to "xxxx" to.
Hmmm, I wonder how that would work.  If I have several players, some may have a 
TinySC, older players will not.  Would it be configurable per-player what it 
would switch to?
i.e. if I have two Touch players, they could both switch to one of the Touch's 
TinySC, rather than to their own, whereas a Radio may switch to MySB.com.
Maybe a per-player settings page; maybe allow a list of servers to be entered, 
which would be the ordered priority for switching.  So, I could have TinySC for 
player A, then TinySC for player B, then MySB.com, and each player would choose 
the first one that is up?

This morning I rebooted my box, and saw this in the log at startup:

[07:41:45.9437] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd (707) no modelName: 
no name executing command: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start /B 
P:\SYSTEM~2\POWERT~1\WAKEUP~1\wosb.exe /run /screenon date=08/01/2010 

I tried the command - it seems to work fine.  What does it mean by "no name"?
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