Bernie33;557765 Wrote: 
> Settings > Screen > Screensavers > Screen Switcher Settings When Off #1
> >
> Screen 2 > Screensaver > Image Viewer >>>THIS IS THE PROBLEM.<<<
> If I set that last step to Image Viewer the Touch changes to say
> "Current playlist Nothing" 
Ok, this particular problem sounds like a Screen Switcher problem, I
assume you are using the latest version of Screen Switcher ?
I fixed some issue regarding the Image Viewer screen savers a few weeks
What version does it indicate in the Settings > Advanced > Applet
Installer menu ?

I also assume that you have tried to use the "Image Viewer" as a
standard screen saver by selecting it directly inside:
Settings > Screen > Screensavers > When Off >

If it doesn't work as a standard screen saver it won't work within
Screen Switcher.

Bernie33;557765 Wrote: 
> I did that again, but it doesn't help either.  Sounds like I'll have to
> wait until the next release of the server and now you also mention a
> firmware update as well.  After those events, if the problem persists,
> should I bring this up again in the Picture Gallery thread, or is this
> still as good a place?
As long as you don't see any Picture Gallery favorites in the following
menu, it's a Picture Gallery or firmware/SBS problem, it's then better
to discuss it in the Picture Gallery thread:
Settings > Screen > Screensavers > When Off >

If you see them in the above menu but not in the following menu it's
some Screen Switcher problem and should be discussed in this thread:
Settings > Screen > Screensavers > Screen Switcher Settings > When Off
#1 > Screen 1 >


Erland Isaksson
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