vagskal;564583 Wrote: 
> I switched language to English and restarted SBS. The good news is that
> the sort order (åäö last) is still correct after that. I still get the
> illegal mix errors. 
Those messages are bad, it won't work correctly as long as you have
these. It might possible work some time but it's pure luck, it will
break any day and I'm very sure some of the TrackStat menus doesn't
work when you get these messages.

The problem you are seeing is exactly the one described in:

Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is an easy way out of it without
executing SQL conversion queries manually or delete the Cache directory
including the database. The problem is that two standard tables in the
database have different collate setting and due to this can't be
joined. TrackStat tries to convert it's data to one of them but it
means that it will still not work when it tries to join with the other

vagskal;564583 Wrote: 
> Could it be because I restored TrackStat data from a backup from the
> old PC that already had the "illegal mix" in it?
No, it's not caused by the data, it's Logitech's SBS code that
creates/upgrades the tables incorrectly depending on the language

vagskal;564583 Wrote: 
> I deleted the TrackStatData and restored a backup from the old PC (the
> files reported missing are missing/renamed). I still get the "Query
> returned more than one row" errors. They seem to appear at playback of
> music. I thought they could be related to TrackStat so I switched on
> debug level logging for TrackStat and played a track. EDIT: The tracks
> were played using a CustomBrowse menu.
I suspect the query returned more than one row might be related to your
collate problems, this could probably happen if TrackStat can't join the
tables correctly.

If I where you and I just wanted to get this to work I would:
1. Make sure you have a TrackStat backup if you want to keep TrackStat
2. Shutdown SBS
3. Delete the complete Cache directory including the MySQL directory
inside it. 
4. Startup SBS and perform a full rescan and let it complete, it will
probably start scanning immediately after it has started up
5. Try playing some music and make sure it works without getting any
errors in the log, also try to restart SBS and check the log
6. Install the third party plugins, they are not going to be there
since you deleted the Cache directory.
7. Perform a TrackStat restore and let it finish completely, you will
see in the server.log when it is finished, there is a "Restore
completed at" message in the log when the restore has ended.
8. Try playing some music and make sure it works without getting any
errors in the log, also try to restart SBS and make sure you still not
get any errors.
9. Perform the Custom Scan scanning and let it finish completely
10. Try playing some music and make sure it works without getting any
errors in the log, also try to restart SBS and make sure you still not
get any errors.

Generally, I would strongly advice you to not use Swedish as a language
until Logitech decides to fix the above mentioned bug, it will create a
mess in Logitech database tables and make them impossible to use as
they are supposed to. Logitech decided to give it low priority which
means that it probably won't be implemented anytime soon since it so
far doesn't cause any problems in the Logitech code. The reason it
doesn't cause any problems in the Logitech code is because they don't
have any browse menus to browse the music by ratings, ratings are only
shown when viewing the song details for a single song.

I think it might work with Swedish if you have configured Swedish
before you delete the Cache directory but I'm not completely sure as I
haven't tried this myself.

Hopefully all this will go away in 7.6 when SQLite is used as database
instead of MySQL.

It's ok that you get the "Error: Slim::Web::HTTP::protectURI() is
deprecated" log message in the the log with the default log settings
but besides that you shouldn't get any error messages in the log.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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