Posting this to save others time if they run into this problem.  It took
me over an hour to get things working again, but since Screen Switcher
is important to making my Touch useful every day it was a necessary

My Touch received an update on November 5, 2011 to 7.7.0-r9550 and
Screen Saver stopped working as it always does after an update. 
Normally I have to unplug the device to make it reboot, and then I can
tell it to reinstall Applets and it works again.  Not this time.  

I don't recall exactly the order, since there was a lot of rebooting
the Touch in the process.  I had to reinstall the Applet on the Touch. 
I had to update Squeezebox Server on my computer.  Going to Settings on
the Touch for Screen Switcher told me I to do something with the
License Manager App, so I installed that on the Touch.  

>From SqueezeboxServer on the computer, also called the Logitech Media
Server Control Panel, had to click "Advanced Settings".  That opens a
browser window.  Select Plugins.  Installed License Manager.  Select
Settings for License Manager.  Scroll to Screen Switcher and discover
that a license fee is now required.  Too bad it takes so much effort to
discover this through much searching and trial and error, but glad to
pay the fee.

After several minutes, Refresh Licenses on the computer.  Then Refresh
Licenses on the Touch.

Hurray, it works again and remembered my settings.

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