Triode wrote: 
> This suggests you are not in the same directory as the binary when you
> do that?  Try that again when you are in the same location as the
> file...

I'm in the same location as the file :
MyNAS> whoami
MyNAS> pwd
MyNAS> ./spotifyd
-ash: ./spotifyd: not found
not found

I also try to copy and execute a binary (/bin/ls) from this location and
it works well.

Another strange behaviour is when the plugin is not enabled, i have only
one process whatever I do, but when enabling the 3rd
Spotify plugin and restarting the service, i have two or more process.

So i look the server log just after restarting:
[13-01-02 12:36:27.5410] Slim::Plugin::CLI::Plugin::cli_socket_open
(166) Can't setup the listening port 9090: Address already in use

But I have done a netstat -an | grep 9090 before starting again the
Squeezebox Server and the port was not in use. I just see that you
handle such problem for another person so I will read the whole thread
about it !


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