JayLaFunk wrote: 
> Below is the info from the scanner.log, what should I be looking for?, I
> see some mention to errors but not sure what it means...

This one (although it's probably unrelated to SmartMix, it still breaks
the scan):
> [13-06-04 14:51:22.6193] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122)
> Error: DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db selectrow_array failed: database
> or disk is full [for Statement "

Check if the storage your LMS databases are located on has enough free
If it does, check how large the databases are.
These are the relevant files, don't know where they are located on your

  cache.db     libmediascan.db  persist.db artwork.db imgproxy.db  library.db

If you know your way around sqlite3 databases, you could try a VACUUM on
the offending DB (the SQL statement indicate it's probably library.db).
If not, stop LMS, move the corrupt database somewhere safe and start LMS
again, it will be re-created by a automatic full scan.
Note: iirc, if you delete persist.db, your ratings are gone, so take
care which DB you manipulate. I think library.db and artwork.db are safe
to remove.

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