I have a question about the plugin.  I just installed it and am using it
with MOG.  For whatever reason its only pulling several artists, maybe
10 or so and does not seem to switch them up.  I tried restarting LMS
etc and cannot get it to include more artists.

We'd need to know a little more about your setup: did LMS finish a full rescan and Smart Mix metadata export (check scanner.log)? How did you start your mix? There are many ways, and not all of them would suffer the same limitations.

If I am only using it for my MOG artists, what else do I need to do?

Only using for MOG doesn't really make sense. You could as well stick with MOG's radio stations. They are powered by the same backend as Smart Mix and offer similar controls.

Currently I have about 25 artists listed under my MOG favorites.  I was
hoping the plugin would use this list and playback music based off of

Smart Mix does not integrate with music services at this level. It's primarily intended to mix your own, locally stored music, adding tracks from sources like MOG to the mix if possible (and desired).


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