iwilliam wrote: 
> Hi,
> Thanks for the plugin, it is working really well for me in terms of
> suspending and waking the box backup when I use a player however I would
> also like the server to wake up when the vortexbox or LMS web interface
> is started or when one of the samba shares is accessed over the network.
> Is this possible and if so what is the best way of doing it ?
> Thanks
> Ian

I'm not sure this is easy. I am a little bit out of touch with the
latest-and-greatest utilities/apps around, but somehow I doubt there is
a package the will do what you want readily.

The simplest idea would be to change the server's network card setting
to wake up on any traffic, and not on WOL packets only. But probably it
will bounce from sleep due to chatter on the LAN.

Instead you can make your clients smarter, and send a WOL packet if
Regarding mounts, if your client is scriptable, and you're using an
automount executable map (…) then you could execute some WOL-sending
application as part of the mount process. This should work. Another
variant I have used when mounting NFS is to run a simple script in a
loop, looking for increasing NFS mount errors/retries. The script sees a
spike in errors and then sends WOL packets if it can't ping the server.
I've used this trick on an Apple TV for years, it is slow but robust.
With HTTP there could be a solution where you access another server on
an other machine, the URL corresponds a CGI script, the script sends WOL
packets and then redirects to LMS. 

If you're looking for something really transparent, I think you have to
go with a filtering bridge in front of the LMS server. The packet filter
could see the LMS server IP, log the access, and a separate script could
then act and send WOL packets when a new line is seen in the log. That
could work for any protocol. 
I don't know much about firewalls, but I doubt there is one which will
allow to run a random script directly when an IP or port is knocked,
hence the log file indirection. There are routers that will act as WOL
proxies (the "wake your home computer from the Internet" feature), but
since we're talking about LMS, I suppose segregating the server on
another network is not a great idea; you'd lost server/player discovery.
But perhaps the feature somehow remains available when such routers are
set to bridge mode.

In short, what you want is possible. But I am afraid I do not know the
best way of doing it.

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