Yes, I can follow those instructions, but I'm still not sure whether
this is getting to the source of the problem. The thing is that my
duplicate MB tags are not due to the same song existing on different
records. Maybe I got some of those, but the vast majority of what is
blowing up my trackstat database are duplicate records of the exact same
same file. The one with the most duplicates actually had 652 dupes, and
there were many more with hundreds of duplicates.

I have discovered a convenient feature in Excel that actually allows you
to remove duplicates with just a few clicks. I did that and it removed
45000 duplicates (and I defined a duplicate as having the exact same
data in each and every column of the table). After that cleanup, I still
have 20000 records left,, while I have around 9000 tracks on my server.
The largrest number of duplicate MB tags for any one track is now 7. The
reason why there are still duplicate MB tags left is that those records
differ in some other aspect, such as "date added", "last played",
"playcount" or "rating". But not (except some very few exceptions) the
URL (i.e. the file). I can see that by having excel highlight all
duplicate values within a specific column.

As far as I can see, this means two things: one is that my (main)
problem is not the one described at

And second, I will loose quite a lot of data if I let trackstat do the
cleaning up by following by following the instructions at
because (I suppose) trackstat cannot reconcile the different
"playcounts", "last played dates" or "ratings" that its database
contains for identical files (not just identical MB tags, which will be
gone by then).

As regards the first point, I would like to understand what the root of
the problem is. Unfortunately, I have not the slightest clue.

As regards the second point, I can at least make a suggestion for an
alternative way of getting rid of the duplicates: I guess I need to find
a way to merge (rather than delete) the remaining duplicates in my
backup file, i.e. to tell Excel that it should keep the latest "played"
date, the highest "rating", and add up all the playcounts, or something
like that. Or can Trackstat do that?

P.S. One quick comment on the "'Issues with duplicate musicbrainz tags'
why is this an issue anyway? As far as I understood things, the
Musicbrainz policy is that "duplicate" IDs will only be given to
identical -recordings-. Which makes sense, because it simply is a
duplicate and I thought the whole point of enabling Musicbraniz tags in
Trackstat was that it will make Trackstat recognize these duplicates as
such and treat the same song as the same, even when it exists in two
files, e.g. one on the original album, and another one in some
compilation so that if I rate the track on the original album, the same
rating will be applied to the same song in the compilation. I'd consider
this a feature, not a bug, as they say.

*Server*: LMS 7.7.3 on a ReadyNAS Ultra 2
*Players*: Radio, Touch, Duet (Receiver & Controller), Boom,
Squeezeplayer on iPad 2
*Remote control apps*: iPeng (iOS), SqueezePad (iOS), Squeezecontroller
*Important plugins*: Trackstat, Spicefly Sugarcube, Lazy Search Music,
Switch Player, SmartMix, Custom Browse
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