chaug wrote: 
> Regarding "data loss" discussed above: I did not fix this manually (i.e.
> merge those records so that the correct last played date, rating and
> playcount gets imported), but I understand that the information is still
> in the backup file so that I can do that whenever I feel that the stats
> are too messed up, right?
They will of course be in the old backup.
If you make a new backup the duplicates will be gone in that file, so if
you want to go back it's probably a good idea to keep the old backup
Of course, as you continue to play music in your library the old backup
file will be inaccurate, so it's probably not worth much to keep it
after you have verified that things seems to look as you want.

If it looks like your rating/playback statistics looks reasonably
correct now, I would suggest that you just make sure to disable the
musicbrainz setting in the TrackStat settings page and enjoy the music
instead of investigating the duplicate issue further. Feels like it's
going to be a lot of work to fix it manually and I doubt it's worth the
trouble if it looks reasonably correct now.

chaug wrote: 
> Anyway, the main purpose of this post is to say that I think I found out
> at what points the missing ratings are produced (i.e. the reason why I
> have many trackstat records with playcount > 1 but without rating,
> despite autorating being turned on): It seems to occur when I skip ahead
> to the next song. It does not happen every time, but maybe every other
> time. So, it seems there is some bug in Trackstat that prevents it from
> doing it's job in those cases where the song is not played until the
> end.
> As I write this, it occurs to me that it might depend on how much of the
> song has been played. So I made a quick test: I skipped the song
> currently playing at about 70 percent and then checked its rating: it
> was unrated. I then skipped ahead the next song when it was just about
> 20 percent into the song: it was rated correctly. 
> Here are my threshold settings in Trackstat:
> Minimum played percent = 1%
> Automatic rating increase percentage = 95%
> Automatic rating decrease percentage = 50%
> What seems to be relevant here is the 50 percent threshold which is
> obviously triggered when I skip ahead before half the track is played.
> This works fine, according to my quick test above. But if I skip ahead
> at a later point in the track, the rating should not be decreased (and
> neither should it be increased unless more than 95% have been played).
> It seems that the error of missing ratings occurs in that window where
> the previous rating should be neither decreased nor increased.
> Apparently, Trackstat is so busy complying with the "do not change
> previous rating" rule that it forgets the "rate unrated track" rule. Is
> that possible?
I can confirm that you have found the problem, the behaviour in
TrackStat currently is that if an unrated track is played longer than
the lower limit but not long enough to increase the rating it's left
unchanged rater than set to the default rating value. I'll put it on the
todo list to fix this, but I want to make really sure I don't break
anything else so it will require a bit of investigation and due to this
make take some time.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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