erland wrote: 
> It's probably easiest if you shutdown LMS and send me a zip with the
> library.db and persist.db files from your setup, you will find them in
> the LMS cache directory. This way it's possible for me to look at your
> database and see if I can see what's going on.

I sent you the files via email.

erland wrote: 
> The restore operation itself will never remove data.
> Currently the restore operation always overwrites the information, I'll
> consider adding a features in the future that can pick the entry with
> latest played date, highest rating, but it will probably not be added in
> the next couple of weeks.

I don't understand how you can say that restore will never remove data
and then say that it will "overwrite" information. Is overwriting not a
way of removing?

erland wrote: 
> Also, please note that the TrackStat backup entries contains two type of
> elements:
> - <track> : Which represent the current play count, added time, rating
> - <historyentry> : Which represent all previous times when a track has
> changed rating or been played 
> The <track> entry should have a single occurrence for each track.
> The <historyentry> should have an occurrence for each time a track has
> been played and it's normal that a track have multiple <historyentry>
> elements but they should have different values in their <played> or
> <rating> sub elements.

OK, that explains - at least partly - why the backup file is growing
continuously. However, I still don't understand why it should grow on
days when clearly no song has been played or added (i.e. when nobody was

More importantly, this double structure of the backup tells me that
Excel was not doing a perfect job when automatically transforming it
into a table. At least, it wasn't clear to me that there are two types
of records. So I went back and chose a different way of importing the
xml file (where you get to map the fields yourself) and I mapped only
the track entries into the table and ignored the history. 


The result is not so much different, however: There are 52000 records
(instead of 9000) and when I remove duplicates it takes away 41000
leaving me with 11000, i.e. there are 41000 completely identical track
records and another 2000 partly identical, where (presumably) the url is
the same but other fields differ.

Anyway, you will see this when you look at the files. I just wanted to
update my analysis of the XML file in case anyone ever wants to do the

|Filename: trackstat backup in excel.jpg                            |

*Server*: LMS 7.7.3 on a ReadyNAS Ultra 2
*Players*: Radio, Touch, Duet (Receiver & Controller), Boom,
Squeezeplayer on iPad 2
*Remote control apps*: iPeng (iOS), SqueezePad (iOS), Squeezecontroller
*Important plugins*: Trackstat, Spicefly Sugarcube, Lazy Search Music,
Switch Player, SmartMix, Custom Browse
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