philippe_44 wrote: 
> It is on purpose, other wise it would create a dead end - detect a LMS
> created uPnP player, add it ==> than creates another LMS uPnP player ==>
> add it ... and so on. So any LMS-created uPnP player is removed

Thats what I susspected. But how about creating players for UPnP SBS
players on *OTHER* SBS servers? (not the one that lms2upnp is registered

For instance, I have one on NAS and one on main music player. It would
sometimes be usefull to be able to play from one to another

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Yes and no : when you exit the app there is a complex set of race
> conditions between the 2 entities. I've been over most of them, but not
> all of them. I'm not saying that it does not matter, but this is just at
> exit and I know this is not an issue than can happen during normal
> execution.

Unfortuantely those races seem to mask the real crash/exit point.. or am
I reading this incorectly?

Anyway... using your binary from today, from ./bin (the not-static one),
trying to play to Onkyo (playing mp3 to FooBar now works):

This crashes/locks up Onkyo (in this example named "oLab") completely
(same as my self-compiled binary), and it reboots the whole Onkyo NET
functionality (Onkyo LCD shows "NET: now initialising..." which is
supposed to happen only when receiver is first turned on) and I have to
unplug it from power to get it to do anything again; hopefully I capture
correct section from log file below...


I wonder if having SSH access to my machine would be of any help?

[19:43:18.001613] process_strm:243 [0x808f664] strm command t
[19:43:18.001646] sendSTAT:169 [0x808f664] STAT: STMt
[19:43:18.002373] process:572 [0x808cac0] strm
[19:43:18.002448] process_strm:243 [0x808cac0] strm command t
[19:43:18.002482] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:18.003231] process:572 [0x8092208] strm
[19:43:18.003307] process_strm:243 [0x8092208] strm command t
[19:43:18.003341] sendSTAT:169 [0x8092208] STAT: STMt
[19:43:19.003592] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:20.004813] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:21.006064] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:22.001078] process:572 [0x8094dac] strm
[19:43:22.001172] process_strm:243 [0x8094dac] strm command t
[19:43:22.001201] sendSTAT:169 [0x8094dac] STAT: STMt
[19:43:22.001420] process:572 [0x808f664] strm
[19:43:22.001494] process_strm:243 [0x808f664] strm command t
[19:43:22.001532] sendSTAT:169 [0x808f664] STAT: STMt
[19:43:22.001769] process:572 [0x808cac0] strm
[19:43:22.001846] process_strm:243 [0x808cac0] strm command t
[19:43:22.001885] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:22.002110] process:572 [0x8092208] strm
[19:43:22.002213] process_strm:243 [0x8092208] strm command t
[19:43:22.002257] sendSTAT:169 [0x8092208] STAT: STMt
[19:43:23.003060] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:24.004051] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:24.756551] process:572 [0x8094dac] aude
[19:43:24.756643] process_aude:464 [0x8094dac] on/off using aude 1
[19:43:24.756681] decode_flush:197 [0x8094dac]: decode flush
[19:43:24.756715] output_flush:572 [0x8094dac] flush output buffer
[19:43:24.756752] sq_callback:156 [0xb220a760]: device off or not
controlled by LMS
[19:43:24.756787] sq_callback:152 [0xb220a760]: device set on/off 1
[19:43:24.756820] sq_callback:160 callback for oLab
[19:43:24.759296] process:572 [0x8094dac] strm
[19:43:24.759388] process_strm:240 [0x8094dac] strm command q
[19:43:24.759424] decode_flush:197 [0x8094dac]: decode flush
[19:43:24.759458] output_flush:572 [0x8094dac] flush output buffer
[19:43:24.759495] sq_callback:160 callback for oLab
[19:43:24.759529] AVTBasic:342 uPNP Stop for (cookie 0x1)
[19:43:24.846200] process:572 [0x8094dac] audg
[19:43:24.846293] process_audg:486 [0x8094dac] audg gainL: 65536 gainR:
65536 adjust: 0
[19:43:24.846332] sq_callback:160 callback for oLab
[19:43:24.848862] process:572 [0x8094dac] strm
[19:43:24.848955] process_strm:240 [0x8094dac] strm command s
[19:43:24.849040] process_strm:310 [0x8094dac], strm s autostart: 1
transition period: 10 transition type: 0 codec: m
[19:43:24.849083] sendSTAT:167 [0x8094dac]: STAT:[STMf] msplayed 0
[19:43:24.849118] sendSTAT:169 [0x8094dac] STAT: STMf
[19:43:24.849223] codec_open:226 codec open: 'm'
[19:43:24.849297] stream_sock:395 [0x8094dac] connecting to
[19:43:24.849491] stream_sock:424 [0x8094dac] header: GET
/stream.mp3?player=00:01:02:03:04:09 HTTP/1.0

[19:43:24.868957] sq_callback:160 callback for oLab
[19:43:24.869091] sq_callback:169 [0xb220a760]: codec:m, ch:255, s:255,
[19:43:24.869159] sq_callback:160 callback for oLab
[19:43:25.262793] sq_get_metadata:352 [0x8094dac]: idx 0
artist:Gin Wigmore
album:Gravel & Wine
title:Black Sheep
[19:43:25.263218] AVTSetURI:172 uPNP setURI for (cookie 0x2)
[19:43:25.264012] sq_callback:226 [0xb220a760]: current URI set
[19:43:25.264118] process_strm:403 [0x8094dac] URI proxied by SQ2MR :
[19:43:25.265071] sendSTAT:167 [0x8094dac]: STAT:[STMc] msplayed 0
[19:43:25.265162] sendSTAT:169 [0x8094dac] STAT: STMc
[19:43:25.265622] process:572 [0x8094dac] audg
[19:43:25.265710] process_audg:486 [0x8094dac] audg gainL: 65536 gainR:
65536 adjust: 0
[19:43:25.265749] sq_callback:160 callback for oLab
[19:43:25.270281] stream_thread:179 [0x8094dac] headers: len: 116
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Logitech Media Server (7.8.0 - 1395395852)
Connection: close
Content-Type: audio/mpeg

[19:43:25.270472] sendRESP:198 RESP
[19:43:25.275949] sq_callback:160 callback for oLab
[19:43:25.276090] QueueAction:173 [0xb220a760]: queuing action 3
[19:43:25.276133] SetVolume:290 uPNP volume 100 for (cookie 0x3)
[19:43:25.877791] UnQueueAction:219 [0xb220a760]: un-queuing action 3
[19:43:25.877880] AVTPlay:266 uPNP play for (cookie 0x5)
[19:43:25.893497] WebGetInfo:67 [0xb220a760]: GetInfo
/LMS2UPNP/00-01-02-03-04-09-idx-1.mp3 audio/mpeg
[19:43:25.893850] sq_open:411 [0x8094dac]: open
[19:43:25.893925] WebOpen:91 Webserver Open
[19:43:25.894020] WebSeek:125 [0x8095580]: seek 0, 0 (rc:1)
[19:43:25.946386] sq_read:566 [0x8094dac]: read 1048576 (r:1048576
[19:43:25.946496] WebRead:110 read 1048576 on 1048576
[19:43:26.005030] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:26.015417] process:572 [0x8094dac] strm
[19:43:26.015979] process_strm:243 [0x8094dac] strm command t
[19:43:26.016558] sendSTAT:169 [0x8094dac] STAT: STMt
[19:43:26.016932] process:572 [0x8092208] strm
[19:43:26.017044] process_strm:243 [0x8092208] strm command t
[19:43:26.017044] process:572 [0x808cac0] strm
[19:43:26.017118] process_strm:243 [0x808cac0] strm command t
[19:43:26.017245] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:26.017245] process:572 [0x808f664] strm
[19:43:26.017416] sendSTAT:169 [0x8092208] STAT: STMt
[19:43:26.017636] process_strm:243 [0x808f664] strm command t
[19:43:26.017982] sendSTAT:169 [0x808f664] STAT: STMt
[19:43:26.022127] stream_thread:253 [0x8094dac] end of stream
[19:43:26.022464] sendDSCO:185 DSCO: 0
[19:43:26.023323] process:572 [0x8094dac] strm
[19:43:26.023457] process_strm:240 [0x8094dac] strm command u
[19:43:26.023529] process_strm:287 [0x8094dac] unpause at: 0 now:
[19:43:26.023604] sendSTAT:167 [0x8094dac]: STAT:[STMr] msplayed 0
[19:43:26.023677] sendSTAT:169 [0x8094dac] STAT: STMr
[19:43:26.048620] output_thru_thread:472 [0x8094dac] wrote total
[19:43:26.130033] CallbackActionHandler:535 Error in action callback --
-119 (cookie 0x5)
[19:43:26.130739] WebClose:134 webserver close
[19:43:26.130894] sq_close:457 [0x8094dac]: read total:1048576
[19:43:26.873964] CallbackActionHandler:535 Error in action callback --
-204 (cookie 0x6)
[19:43:27.018425] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:27.874419] CallbackActionHandler:535 Error in action callback --
-204 (cookie 0x7)
[19:43:28.020928] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:28.374792] CallbackActionHandler:535 Error in action callback --
-204 (cookie 0x8)
[19:43:29.022958] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:29.375275] CallbackActionHandler:535 Error in action callback --
-204 (cookie 0x9)
[19:43:30.024185] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
[19:43:30.375864] CallbackActionHandler:535 Error in action callback --
-204 (cookie 0xa)
[19:43:31.001388] process:572 [0x8094dac] strm
[19:43:31.001484] process_strm:243 [0x8094dac] strm command t
[19:43:31.001525] sendSTAT:169 [0x8094dac] STAT: STMt
[19:43:31.001777] process:572 [0x808f664] strm

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