<<  I'm sorry if my comment bugged
 you, but just to put this in perspective, I'm sure you would've scoffed
 just as much if some country music reviewer had called "Purple Rain" a
 LeAnn Rimes song >>

Well ain't that the truth. Nothing worse than a reviewer who gets facts wrong.
Even if it's an honest error, as we're all prone to, it's an immediate blow to
that writer's credibility. I know I absolutely hate when I get something
wrong. There's a few errors from my early days that I still carry around with
me as scars, and they really weren't that big a deal. And speaking of errors,
here's the lede from today's *LA Times* review of Friday's local Golden Smog
show. See if you can find the *mutiple* errors. Did I mention that this was
the story's lede? In the LA Times?

<<When the Midwestern all-star pickup band Golden Smog came together in 1992,
its de facto leaders Gary Louris and Jeff Tweedy were regarded as leading
standard bearers of the "No Depression" alternative country movement.>>

Go fish.

Neal Weiss
np - Sparklehorse - Good Morning Spider.

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