Well, thanks for setting me straight on those record changers. We actually
had one of those when I was growing up, but it didn't occur to me then that
fancy-shmancy LP strategies were one of their functions. I just used them to
stack about 17 45's on top of one another. I would hear about six or seven
just fine, and then I would get mad at the now-nearly-vertical tone arm for
letting the last ten skip. I didn't understand that physics stuff. Needless
to say, I took the short bus to school.

Speaking of which, thank you for not calling me to task for misstating
Leadbelly's birthday. I looked up at the calendar this morn, saw
Thursday=Leadbelly, and punched it in. D'oh!! It's actually next Thursday.
Crimony, I need sleep.

Lance . . .

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