Stevie Simkin wrote:

> If I ever admit to my students that I like (some) country music, I have to do it
> in a very guarded manner to protect any shreds of credibility I may still own in
> their eyes.  I go via the American music - roots - American folk traditions -
> thing, and usually stress the alt-country first, at least, talking about wedding
> punk ethos with country tradition blah blah blah.  But since if it's not techno
> (or derivative 60s guitar driven Britpop, Oasis come on down), it ain't hip, I'm
> pretty much on a losing wicket from the get go.  It just hit me (again) that
> most of these kids weren't born when punk happened.  I did find a 20 year old
> student who liked Ben Harper recently. I nearly had a coronary.
> Stevie

Stevie, I have no credbility amongst my friends (mostly in their 20's) - I like
country music, and I play accordion. I have to be ultra hip in every other way just
to make up for it <g>

I've never been to America, but I can't imagine that the embarrassment of liking
country music is as big in the States as it is in the UK.

I don't find the success of Garth, Shania, LeAnn and the Mavericks makes it any
worse though, because they don't really sound like country. It's the Dolly Parton &
Don Williams era and sound that most Brits associate with country and laugh at.

Oh the misery.


If you like rocking country music, check out the Okeh Wranglers web site at:

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