> "Shane S. Rhyne" wrote:
> > Howdy,
> >
> > Still catching up on old P2 posts...
> >
> > Louise Kyme publicly admits the following about our English cousins across
> > the sea: <<I don't find the success of Garth, Shania, LeAnn and the
> > Mavericks makes it any worse though, because they don't really sound like
> > country. It's the Dolly Parton & Don Williams era and sound that most Brits
> > associate with country and laugh at.>>
> >

Louise, I take your point about Dolly, but I am not sure I entirely agree on the
issue of the Big Man, Don Williams.  This may have something to do with me having a
deep emotional attachment to his music from about the age of 12 (no, really).  But
Don Williams isnt really someone who's a prime target for scorn.  Dolly, yes, has
been a bit of a joke over here, but that has more to do with her physique than her
music.  Williams has been incredibly popular over here for a long time, so I dunno,
maybe he *has* epitomised country for Brits, at least until the advent of
Pumpkinhead and Shananana.  But I'd have to say I'd never be ashamed of being
associated with Don Williams - songwriters in any genre don't walk much taller than
McDill, after all, and I seem to remember Clapton went thru a bit of a Williams
worshipping phase  - whereas Garthman et al just make me wanna curl up in a ball
and die from embarrassment


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