Let me also put in a good word for PDLS. It's probably my favorite RL
album, although they're all good (except maybe Sunnyvista).

Also, I'd agree with Amy. If Rt isn't the greatest guitar player in the
history of rock, he is among the 5 or 10 best. To see him live is to have
your mind blown every time.

Lance, if you get the three disc comp, Check out the live Cavalry Cross or
actually any of the live electric tunes. The guitar on it all wailing.
Also, if anyone has access to a live electric bootleg from the Amnesia
tour, RT was really wailing like a motherfucker on that tour, which he
doesn't do on every tour. Some tours he really seems to want to play
guitar and others he lays back. As I recall, "Gypsy Love Songs" from that
tour was a serious guitar work out and the whole thing rocked (Kenny
Arnoff played drums on some of the dates). Saw the Chicago show, awesome,
much better than the "Daring Adventures Tour" from a guitar standpoint.


Jake London

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