On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Terry A. Smith wrote:

> I fet the feeling that Chet shoe-horned everybody
> into his own poppy world, whether they belonged their or not. 

FWIW, Terry, having grown up on that era of country music, I agree. I'm
reminded of a wonderful pic on the back of one of Waylon's LPs from that
period, showing him and Atkins producing one of Jennings' songs. I can't
imagine that it was a candid photo, yet the contrast between Atkins'
expression -- intent concentration -- and Jennings' -- morose dejection --
is stark. Years before he recorded the song, he's already aware that Hank
didn't do it this way.

While I don't doubt the sincerity of the folks who've advocated the
arrangement the song got, I wonder if they're defending it at least in
small part because it's what they've heard all their lives and they're
used to it. Maybe someday they'll build a machine that strips out strings
and choruses the way karaoke machines strip out lead vocals and then we'll
be able to figure it out. Frankly, even aside from the arrangements per se,
I thought his tempo was too fast, too bright for that song.


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