On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, ailin' Joe Gracey wrote:

> "Terry A. Smith" wrote:
> > I think I'm gonna cut my ears off. But first I'll listen to
> > the best version of Miller's Cave, by Don Williams. -- Terry Smith
> The P2 Van Gogh! But check out Charley Pride's version, too. Produced by
> the songwriter, Jack Clement. The reason Don's is so cool is he was also
> a disciple of Jack's. 

I have to admit, a lot of stuff that Jack Clement produced during the
'70s, I never got. "Dreaming My Dreams" -- and I admit here to being a
minority of one -- had some great songs but just didn't work as an album
for me. Jack's own album I couldn't finish. There's surely some work I
liked a whole lot (maybe with Tompall Glaser? Can't remember those
production credits and can't look right now, but I know they worked
together a lot) but he's always been one of those producers I've known I
was supposed to like but just couldn't. (And I should say this has no
effect on how much I appreciate his songwriting.)

> I just felt what remained of my brains dribble down my spinal column, as
> the flu has now entered my body for real....to bed, perchance to die...

Hope you recover quickly, Joe. 


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