Terry Smith wrote:

> A few points:
> Believe it or not, but I never laid down a blanket rejection of "heavy
> arrangements" -- strings, singers, etc. At least not this year <g>.


> (When I discussed Dwight's record, "A Long Way
> Home," last week, I wasn't criticizing the production -- I don't have any
> problem with it -- I was just talking about it, raising some questions
> about why folks made a big  deal about Holler's arrangements, but didn't
> emit a peep about Dwight's.)

Sorry if I remembered what you wrote about that incorrectly Terry.
I would almost certainly similarly mis-step in trying to remember the content of
a year-old thread, <g>
but I'd say that in retrospect that maybe the reason the arrangements on the
MI&H record got noticed is that they were new, for me rather jarringly so, for a
band I'd seen and loved in a bar setting (thus sans strings) several times.
And a year later, while of course I understand and respect Mike's vision in
setting that up as he did, I still feel the strings are a distraction rather
than an enhancement of those first two songs. (They work great on "Christmas
As for Dwight's record, well, I think the strings definitely enhance "These
Arms", and CRS syndrome prevents me from remembering others.

n.p. Ex-Husbands

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