At 02:55 PM 3/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> Also, is there any audible difference between getting
>> a home unit (stereo component) and buying one for a computer with the
>> intent of duping music?
>As far as I know, there's no audible difference, but there's a financial
>one, as a friend of mine recently discovered: the standalone, home units
>require discs that cost substantially more than the ones used in computer
>peripherals (he says he's paying $6-$7 a disc, as opposed to $1-$2).  As I
>understand it - and if I'm wrong, I have no doubt that someone will correct
>me - the difference is related largely to a royalty that goes to the record
>companies, purportedly to offset the cost of unauthorized duplication of
>CDs; the discs used in the computer peripherals are exempt because of their
>double duty as data storage media.
>Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  How does this industry kickback work?  Do labels like Bloodshot, Hightone
and Rebel see any of this?  Seems suspicious to me.  Is anyone out there
using a computer peripheral for music duplication?  How is it working?


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