AMEN!  Well said, Todd.  Way to go...

(I'm quoting Todd's message after this because it deserves to be read...)

...who's heard a lot of cool music thanks to various P2ers but still can't
get into country all that much.  *grin*

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Todd Larson wrote:
>> In one respect, I'd add, Postcard 2 works as a sort  of backlash
>> receptacle for many people who are shit-sick of hearing about UT, Wilco,
>> etc.
> Frankly, I'm shit -sick of hearing that my appreciation for UT, Wilco, etc.
> is just some youthful infatuation that I'll get over when I grow up and
> realize that was around before 1990. I can call my parents when
> I need to be patronized.
> I'm shit-sick of the implication that rabid fans of UT, Wilco, etc. lack
> "perspective" on the history of country-rock and its periodic resurgences
> (as if that really is necessary), that their love of these bands is faulty
> if not broadened by an understanding of country-music history (and
> alternative-country history).
> I'm shit-sick of the way reaction against the media-hype surrounding these
> bands slides so effortlessly into nasty backlash against the bands
> themselves.  While I'm at it, I'm also shit-sick of the suggestion that
> these bands' popularity was purely a media creation, and that they had no
> merit on their own beyond the myopic adulation of the music press.
> And I'm shit-sick of people blaming these bands for the lack of attention
> paid to earlier performers. Uncle Tupelo causing other acts to
> be "'disappeared' from rock/country history" (to use Cheryl's phrase)?
> Please.
> Todd
> (Joined Postcard in 1994 as an Uncle Tupelo fan.
> Knew pretty much nothing else about country music or music.
> Spent the last five years trying to learn. Spends all money buying CD's
> recommended by Don Y. and Jon W.
> Still thinks Uncle Tupelo is among the best two or three bands ever.
> Someday may grow up and know better.)

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