>stuart wrote:
>> I happened to catch Man in the Sand (the film about making Mermaid
>> Avenue) on BBC,
>Whoa. Is this available anywhere here in the US? Off-list replies are
>fine if y'all discussed this to death while I was hiding.
>Dave Purcell

I happened to be in England the same time as Stuart--and caught most of
that same show late at night, wide awake post-jet lag...and yeah, it
certainly showed pieces of antagonism (and apparent reconciliation) between
the Bragg and Tweedy camps--and there seem to have been camps..

I know this has been shown nowhere in the US yet, Senor Purcell--but I got
the impression from the credits (was it one of those Channel 4/A&E
coproductions?) that there were some Yanks involved in the thing, and that
it would almost cerrainly show up here.  I'd guess you can watch for it on
big city PBS stations (and then others)  during  Rich Lefty Pledge Week;
they've finally got something to show besides that Weavers film!


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