My turn! I <heart> Will Miner. And not just 'cause he plays the same guitars as me.


Will Miner wrote:

> I'm with Todd and I dont want anybody runnin' down UT.  But I dont
> really think that was what Cheryl was up to.  As she said during
> Neal's Eradication Game a few weeks ago, she doesnt really have the
> kill instinct for anyone but rock critics.  I think the problem is
> the overhype and the fans who get caught in the middle of it, NOT
> the supposed snobbishness or dustiness of some of the more learned
> traditionalists.  Most of the problem is with the dimwit rock
> press.  But there have also been many times since I've been on
> this list (about three and a half years) folks have jumped into
> debates and, with all of the politeness and finesse of Matt Cook,
> insisted things like "Uncle Tupelo started alt-country!" or "Uncle
> Tupelo was the first to mix punk and country!" or "Uncle Tupelo was
> more true to *real* country than mainstream country music!"  All of
> which are flat-out wrong.  

Northern Ky Roots Music:

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