In a message dated 1/19/99 4:49:34 AM Pacific Standard Time,

<< > BTW, Buddy Siegal did cease writing for the Times and is now the music
 > of the OC Weekly, which obviously doesn't have such an ethical problem, or
 > doesn't have ethics... one or the other.
 Now, now. Don't go running down the OC Weekly. This is Orange County
 fer Chrissakes. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to find ANY sort of
 alternative paper...not to mention one that, thanks to Buddy, pays particular
 attention to alt country and other good stuff.

I guess that kinda came out wrong Dallas. I wasn't trying to chastise OC W by
any means. I'm well aware of what they're doing down there, heck several years
ago i was actaully slated to be its general manager for a start-up that never
happened. I've heard by many a closet liberal and art patron that OCW is a
saving grace. I'm told it's a pretty fun read too, which can't be said for
it's big brother pub in LA. 


Neal Weiss

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