Neil is right that there's an inherent problem in the relationship 
between the reviewer and the performer, but Robert Hilburn is way off of 
it (as he is on most everything).  The idea that there's a conflict of 
interest between playing in clubs and reviewing other bands is 
ridiculous, especially from a critic who regularly goes on record-company 
junkets, gets free CDs, priviledged seats at shows, &c.  

It's exactly the problem that we have in political journalism.  If you're
going to keep up on the inside scoop -- which is your job, after all --
then you have to have friends Inside.  And you cant bite the hand that
feeds you, not too hard at least.  Which is why, of course, most political
journalism is so very very lame.  And, by extension, why most musical
journalism is ... 

Back in the 70s when she breaking into clubs, Patti Smith used to write
great reviews in Rolling Stone.  Most reviewers write weak, pandering
crap.  Obviously this supposed conflict of interest doesnt get in the way
of good reviewing. 

Will Miner
Denver, CO

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