>Then later that week there was one other song he jumped around too and 
>loved it almost as much as Thousand dollar car - it was The
>Welfare Music.
>This kid knows what he likes so I finally bought him his first rock 
>and roll cd 

There's something about the BoRox that's so damn simple, basic and catchy
that kids love 'em. My two boys (8 & 4) go wild over 'em, so wild that
I've sworn that if they ever do an instore or some other gig in Philly
that's not a smoky bar at midnight, I'm going to take my 8-yr-old to see
them. Every time he finds out I'm going to see them, he asks with a sad
look on his face, "Is this another place you have to be 21 to get into?"
So if any of you Doolittle folk on this list wanna schedule a Philly
instore next time they're in town, there'll be at least 2 of us there. :)

Steve Kirsch

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