> >Then later that week there was one other song he jumped around too and
> >loved it almost as much as Thousand dollar car - it was The
> BottleRockets
> >Welfare Music.
> >
> >This kid knows what he likes so I finally bought him his first rock
> >and roll cd
> There's something about the BoRox that's so damn simple, basic and catchy
> that kids love 'em. My two boys (8 & 4) go wild over 'em, so wild that
> I've sworn that if they ever do an instore or some other gig in Philly
> that's not a smoky bar at midnight, I'm going to take my 8-yr-old to see
> them. Every time he finds out I'm going to see them, he asks with a sad
> look on his face, "Is this another place you have to be 21 to get into?"
> So if any of you Doolittle folk on this list wanna schedule a Philly
> instore next time they're in town, there'll be at least 2 of us there. :)

I caught em at an in-store and it was great.  The place was full of kids in
the 2-12 range and they loved em.  Its the  music of course, although the
appearance of  Henneman and Parr (especially) on the day after the big rock
show of the night before is also probably pretty mezmerizing to a kid. <g>

np: Earle/McCoury   This might get to listening to bluegrass again.

btw.  anyone know what Buddy Miller is up to?

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