In a message dated 3/26/99 8:22:47 PM Central Standard Time,

<< Still, it works a lot of times you wouldnt expect. 
 For example, I have a CD single of the Fugees' "Vocab," which consists of
 about six versions of the song, one of which is acoustic; that's the best
 version, I think.  I can also imagine getting away with bluesy versions of
 "Fight the Power" or "The Message," to name a couple off the top of my
 head.  >>

Dionne Farris did an acoustic version of her hit "I Know" that was pure
acoustic funky soul.

There is a videotape of Seal doing acoustic versions of some of the dance
songs from his first album, and many of his CD singles have acoustic versions
of his hits in addition to non-album tracks. I can't think of a single one
that doesn't work amazingly well in that arrangement. Of course, I think Seal
rules, so I may be biased.

Seal, I mean Slim

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