I meant to tell folks on this list this cute story awhile ago...

I was visiting my brother, sister-in-law and six year old nephew last
Christmastime and I brought my guitar along and was strumming a few tunes.

My nephew hasn't been exposed to too much music yet - sure, he loves the
space ghost records (who doesn't), but my brother and sister-in-law don't
play too much music around the house.

Anyway, I was strumming and playing a Dylan tune, a Neil Young tune, Gram
Parsons, Husker Du, Woodie Guthrie,  whatever.  My nephew liked it, but then
I played one song which he started getting up and dancing around to asking
me to play it again and again and again.

It was the Bottlerockets 1000 Dollar Car.  He just loved it - he sang it the
next morning to his parents and only wanted me to play that song.

Then later that week there was one other song he jumped around too and loved
it almost as much as Thousand dollar car - it was The BottleRockets Welfare

This kid knows what he likes so I finally bought him his first rock and roll
cd - you KNOW which it was - It hasn't arrived so I don't know what he
thinks of it, but I can guess!

A kid who will join this list one day :-)

keep dancing,

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